Saturday, April 11, 2009

Multiple baby showers

The origin of the baby shower:
To shower the mother(parents) to be with all of the love, attention, advice and items necessary for their transition into new parenthood.

Attention: Once you have a kid, you have the stuff and advice you need.

The women having 2 or 3 showers PER KID piss me off. I get having 2 or 3 showers for the first kid (although a little silly, imo). But if you figure mom's family, dad's family, co-workers, church members, club members, etc...there's a lot of reasons why someone may have more than one shower. I don't even really mind the multiple showers for the first kid.

It's when someone has two or three showers for kid a and then less than two or three years later has another kid and has another registry, another 2 or 3 showers...come on.

It's not your social circle's responcibility to shell out money every time you have a kid.

I get if you had one and then your second pregnancy you find out it's multiples (twins, etc). Yeah, you need more than one carseat, more clothes, another crib, etc.

I get if you have a kid and then 5 or 6 years later find out your pregnant again after having sold all your shit at a garage sale.

But come on...a year seperation? Your kid is barely out of the stuff that you need for a new baby! If you want to have a celebratory party, that's fine...but don't call it a baby shower, that implies gifts.

It's right up there with push presents--but that's another story.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Unfit parents can bite me.

Todays rant: Unfit parents

Ok, I get it. Your kid is an ass, you don't want to deal with them so you give them what you want.
You are a selfish prick. Because, your asshole kid doesn't just affect your life, oh no, it affects every other person your little satan spawn comes in contact with. Including your family, your kids teachers, salespeople, waitresses, random strangers, me and my kids.

Example #1: Grown kid at walmart. Minimum age: 12, Maximum age: 16. Demonically growling at the old woman I expect to be mom. "YOU HAVE TO BUY ME THAT SYSTEM, I DESERVE THAT SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!" "Mom" replies: "you threw a fit and I'm not buying you anything" Kid: "I'll behave if you buy me that system" "Mom" (to her credit): "I'm not buying you anything". Kid: (hysterically) "I DESERVE THAT SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Example #2: No matter how cute you think your kid is, I don't want them drooling down my back when I'm out to eat. Climbing on booths and tables is not cute. Not aplogizing to other people when your kid drools on their dessert, not ok. Being a twat and not cleaning up the giant mess your adorable little fucktrophy (thanks Boo!) makes because you're ignoring them during the meal, not fucking ok. Tipping poorly on top of that? Let's just hope you never come back there.

Example #3: Your kid isn't that special. I mean, they might be to you, but to the rest of the world, they are just another little person running around and causing havok. Guess what, when you monopolize the teachers time explaining why little sally shithead doesn't have to pick up her crayons because it upsets her emotionally, no one cares. You're just taking the time my kids teacher needs to do her job. Plus, you're making my kid think its ok to be an asshole and not clean up after themselves. Thanks, I appreciate it.

Example #4: If you are out shopping and you've not cart-trained your little monster, leave him at home or muzzle him. I don't want to have to dodge him running up and down the aisles. I don't want to have to dodge the shit he pulls off the shelf in his tirades. If he's going to throw a fit because you're not going to apease his every whim, take him home. Don't just ignore him. I didn't birth him from my loins, I didn't neglect to parent him appropriately, I don't want to have to put up with his banshee yells.

So, that's about it. Parent or get off the pot. Kids aren't fashion accessories. They aren't goldfish (who you can, through personal experience) forget to feed for days on end and still be perfectly fine). They are there and they need you to get off your fucking ass and stop being so much of an idiot.

You're welcome.

Monday, April 6, 2009

You know what I can't stand?

Annoying twats on the nest. I don't know what in the fuck they think they are doing. I never really figure out what in the hell they think they are going to get there.

The topics range in their specifics, but seem to have one common denominator: ignorance.

"I had sex once and it was a full moon. I then proceeded to fart and it smelled weird. Am I pregnant?"

"I just found out I am pregnant, I ate soft cheese like two months ago, will it hurt the baby?"

"I'm busy dropping crack, but I'm pretty sure I want a baby. My boyfriend, however, isn't ready. How can I busy myself so I don't think about having kids?"

"I don't have a job and my puppy is tired of me, I want a baby. I know that you might think that 19 is too young, but you don't know me, I'm way mature for my age!"

It never fails, these twats come on here, post and are immediately made fun of. When people point out their ignorance they all revert to the same tired bullshit.

"You're just jealous!" "You don't know me!" "I thought this was for women with (insert board title here), not for petty high school antics!" "Must be nice not having a life" "You must be as ugly inside as you are outside"

Guess what---we don't give a damn about you, you stupid \#/. Take your kum-bay-yah somewhere else. The only good thing you're doing on this board is giving the regulars something to laugh about.

The only thing more annoying that these twats are the pussy-ass "Regular lurkers" who only come out of the shadows to say how mean the regulars are and to offer support to the random n00bs. Guess what, no one gives a rats ass about you either.

Starting a new blog

So there are lots of things in my life that are pretty sucky. Sometimes I just want to bitch about it.

So there ya go.

If you don't like it, you can fucking leave.